Pact for Skills reached 1,000 members 

Pact for Skills reached 1,000 members 

09.12.2022 Off By Bulgarian Digital Cluster

In November, the Pact for Skills marked its second anniversary and reached 1,000 members. The 1,000th member – the European Heating Industry (EHI) – received a warm welcome from the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, at DG EMPL’s flagship event on 16 November. The milestone was announced during a session dedicated to showcasing testimonials from different Pact members, and the benefits of joining the initiative.

Presentation of the 1 000th member certificate during the event by Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

The EHI brings together companies that are leaders in the production of efficient heating systems, and has pledged to provide training on efficient and renewable technologies for 750,000 installers in the EU. As part of this pledge, EHI companies are ready to take on the mission of attracting young talent to the installing profession, while also ensuring the provision of local, well-trained and secure jobs. Furthermore, the organisation is ready to work with national and local authorities to increase the visibility of the heating sector as an employer, and to adapt EU school programmes to include knowledge required for the job.